Poster and illustrations for Muks Riehen

The exhibition "Räuber" shows a wide variety of Robbers to children and their brave parents. Hands, type and eyes lead through the exhibition, everywhere you are observed or might get robbed. you can also become a robber yourself and look through the eyes of large robber figures.
The printed F4 Poster is a 5 color Silkscreen and is available at the shop of the museum Muks in Riehen.

Exhibition Fotos by Gaspard Weissheimer.

Räuber Ausstellung - Paula Troxler and Kleon MedugoracRäuber Ausstellung - Paula Troxler and Kleon MedugoracRäuber Ausstellung - Paula Troxler and Kleon MedugoracRäuber Ausstellung - Paula Troxler and Kleon MedugoracRäuber Ausstellung - Paula Troxler and Kleon Medugorac